We had a great day yesterday as a family, which is rare occasion. We loved hanging with old friends, laughing, and watching in amazement as the kids have all grown so big so fast! We went to our friends two girls birthday parties. When I was working, she was one of my best friends, we've known each other for 9 years! I couldn't believe her beautiful girls had grown up so fast and one blossoming into a woman, the other turning 1 and learning how sand tastes. :)
They had a pool and the girls, laughed, splashed and had a lot of fun also! I am worn out beyond words but I am so thankful to have caught up with some friends and enjoyed being out of the house even for the day!
Of course we brought gluten free pizza to the birthday party and left over GF cupcakes. I have found that its helpful to freeze some extras when I make them that way they come in handy for get togethers and bday parties where they just need 2 GF cupcakes
Then we went to another friends house that we have known for 12 years and ate some Gluten Free pasta and broiled shrimp. I made GF pasta salad using Barilla, Hellmans mayo, celery and a few secrets that make it extra delicious!
The broiled shrimp were fresh caught, with lemon and garlic salt. That was my friend's recipe and they were delicious!
Fun yummy pasta salad and shrimp |